Data Collection: Types and Tools

Using MISchoolData for Data Inquiry and Access

K-12 Dashboard


The Kindergarten - 12th Grade area of the portal contains a variety of information to assist in data collection. 

Dashboard & Accountability Scorecard: District Best Practices, Top to Bottom Ranking, and Scorecard Summary

District School Information: District Definitions, Quick Facts, and Statewide Openings and Closings

Student Counts: Student Counts (including attention, retention, and mobility), Graduation/Dropout Rates, and Non-Resident Status (e.g. school's of choice)

Student Testing: MEAP, MME, MI-Access, ACT College Readiness, and Studfents Not Tested

Postsecondary Outcomes: College Enrollment, Student Enrollment with 24 credits, and College Remedial Coursework

Career and Technical Education: Program Enrollments

Staffing Information: Educator Effectiveness Ratings

Financial Information: District Financial Profiles