Module 2 Overview
About this Module
Educators are expected to utilize technology tools and applications to improve student engagement and performance. Tech ready classrooms include both teacher and student use of technology, and involve the integration of best practice instructional categories to improve teaching and learning.
As teachers prepare for administration of the online assessments, teachers must know and model the tools, best practice instructional categories, and National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) to put theory into practice.
During the course of this module, you will be reviewing the nine categories of best practice instruction, as defined in the "Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works, 2nd ed." pedagogy. Tools and ideas for integration into the classroom will be presented to support the categories.
Upon completion of this module, you will be asked to create a Capstone Project. The Capstone Project will consist of a lesson plan that demonstrates your ability to integrate technology with best practice instruction. You will use the Lesson Plan Template to guide the development of your lesson plan.
This module seeks to demonstrate how effective use of technology and consistent implementation of best practices transfers to improved student achievement, including online testing experiences.