10.5 Data Collection Types and Resources

6. Perception Data

6.1. Creating a Perception Survey

Consider the perception data you could collect for your own classroom.  Students, Parents, or Colleagues can share their perceptions to help you improve your instructional practice.  Consider questions about technology use outside of the classroom, or how often stakeholders use  your classroom website. 

Create your own online survey gathering the perceptions about technology use of stakeholders.  Consider using Google Forms with the following "How To" guide from "Data Reference Points for the Michigan School Improvement Process: Manual for Data Inquiry and Access, 3rd ed." 

google forms

Click on the "Google Forms" image above to access the file.

Sample Survey for parents about technology use by student (feel free to edit/modify or create your own questions):

  • How often you visit our classroom website?
    • (choices could include never, daily, once a week, a couple times a week, etc.)
    • (if you do not have a classroom website, substitute "school" website)
  • How often does your child use the Internet at home?
    • (choices could include never/no access, daily, once a week, a couple times a week, etc.)
  • Does your child have access to a computer or portable mobile device at home?
    • (choices could include yes, no)
  • What is the primary use of technology by your child at home?  
    • (choices could include games, research, etc.)
  • What comments or concerns do you have about student use of technology in the classroom?
    • (this could be an open ended comment box to gather opinions