1.3 Navigating your way through T3

4. Breadcrumbs and Arrows

As you go through Books and Lessons you are going to see different prompts to move forward, backwards and to start back at the beginning. 

While in a Book you will see arrows to move you between the pages of the book. Arrows

In a lesson you will see prompts, such as Previous and Next.The teacher who creates the lesson can type any text into the boxes to help the student move through the lesson. Typically you see, Previous or Next as this is the Default text. It is imperative that you work through the lesson until you get to the "End of lesson" page as that will register your progress in the course reports.

If you are really lost, follow the ' breadcrumbs' home! You may have noticed before that when you were on a web site with multiple pages, that on the top of the page there is text with slash marks or arrows in-between. These are called breadcrumbs and instead of hitting the back button in your browser, it is recommended you use the breadcrumbs to go back to previous pages you have visited. When you use your back button rather than the breadcrumbs, you are taken to a 'stale' page. Using your breadcrumb will refresh the page and any changes that may have been made will register. This is extremely helpful when you are in a course with multiple modules, pages etc. To go home, you can always click on the course name within the breadcrumbs to return to the main course page.