9.7 Assessment Item Development Next Steps

Now that you have seen the rewarding depth of work that goes into creating next generation assessment items and understand the importance of writing assessment items that meet the needs of all students, you may be inclined to take your knowledge to the next level. This can be achieved by continuing to write high quality items that are part of a comprehensive next generation assessment.

Through a grant from MAISA, the Michigan Assessment Consortium (MAC), partnering with ISD/RESA specialists and university developers, has created a 24 module series for Michigan educators. The goal of these modules is to explain the major steps in the assessment development process. You have experienced some of these videos throughout this module.  Each video module is accompanied by a PowerPoint, script, user's guide, and companion documents. 

Click here to view the entire Common Assessment Module Series

Another opportunity to further your study in next generation assessments is to stay connected with the TRIG Assessment & Curriculum activity.  The benefits of this activity are:

  • Educators will have access to information and clarification on what assessments are available through the Michigan Department of Education.
  • Resources will be provided to help educators use assessment results to make an immediate impact on classroom instruction.
  • Resources will be provided to increase educator understanding of balanced assessment practices.
  • Resources and tools will be provided for administrators to facilitate common dialogue with their staff regarding assessment practices. 

A valuable resource from the Assessment & Curriculum activity is the webinar recordings.  These webinars focus on Common Core Resources, Balanced Assessment, and Mapping out Tool to Use Assessment.  Click here to access the videos.

Enjoy furthering your assessment learning!

You are now ready to move on to Module 10, which will teach you about data collection and conferencing. You can begin by going to the 10.1 Module 10 Overview Page.

Last modified: Monday, 5 May 2014, 8:27 AM