Orange Zone Discussion Forum

Erin Self

Erin Self

par Utilisateur supprimé,
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In order to start the lesson I will use passages from primary sources that will discribe both the European's and Native's view of how they came to the New World and settled it. I will ask my students why they think the accounts are different and if they have ever heard both sides of the story before? In order to help them develop an understanding for my topic I will use Prezi and PowerPoint to create interactive presentations that get them interested in the topic. I will also use the online textbook that comes with interactive activities and videos. For note taking I believe that whatever system works well for them I will let them use. Note taking is very personal and can confuse the information if it is not in a format the students are comfortable with. Finally for homework I will ask them to begin to compare the stories and look at what the Europeans did that could be considered good or bad. They can create graphic organizers to help them sort the information.