Blue Zone Discussion Forum

Erin Self

Erin Self

par Utilisateur supprimé,
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The Identifying Similarities and Differences category is reflected in my lesson plan. I will have my students extend their knowledge by writing a paper in GoogleDocs so I can provided feedback immediately on points that they need to improve upon. Then I will have them collaborate with their peers in a discussion forum online that allows them to build a case for if they believe that the Europeans were doing good or doing bad. I will monitor what they are discussing and help them if I feel that they are confused or off track. Then I will have them perform a mock trial in class either defending or accussing the Europeans of being good or bad. The students will have time to pracitce. I will give them a rubric to follow and take notes through out the course of the unit and give feedback after each stage and at the very end so they can see how they can improve for next time.