Blue Zone Discussion Forum

Jacob Schmeltzer

Jacob Schmeltzer

par Jacob Schmeltzer,
Nombre de réponses : 1

I would like to try to use metaphors and analogies in my lesson to try to find similarities with musical motives and outside concepts. I think having students create metaphors and analogies could be a cool way of having them think deeper into how music can relate to the outside world.

Google Docs offers me as a teacher a way to instantly provide feedback to what students are working on. Note taking is very important for students as is feedback. I would like students to record their imformation on a Google Doc template, submitt it to me, then recieve feedback from myself and possibly even peers.


En réponse à Jacob Schmeltzer

Re: Jacob Schmeltzer

par Ashley Tuttle,
I like that you made a Google Docs so that way you and the students can communicate with one another. Also by providing feedback, students can communicate with each other, and also the teacher as well.