Red Zone Discussion Forum

Mary Seals

Mary Seals

de Mary Seals -
Número de respuestas: 1
  1. The objective of my lesson plan is to have students walk away from it, knowing how to conjugate -ar verbs in Spanish, and be able to recognize and break down already-conjugated -ar verbs. They should be able to use any -ar verb correctly in a sentence, as well as recognize any conjugated -ar verb and to whom it is referring to.

  2. To provide feedback to the students, I like the use of Rubistar more than any other tool. It allows more room for objective criticism, since language is very difficult to just make cut-and-dry evaluations. 

  3. In recognizing effort given by my students, I will write comments on the Rubistar page, as well as provide physical objects that recognize a completed goal by not only individuals, but the whole class. With language, there are many different levels of comprehension that add on to one another, so it is important that the students understand the first concept before moving on to the next one. 

  4. Students will collaborate when working on projects by using Prezi and sharing documents on Google Drive. That way, all students can have access to the project liberally, as well as the teacher.