Blue Zone Discussion Forum

Blue Zone

Blue Zone

par Stacey Eno,
Nombre de réponses : 2

IDENTIFYINGSIMILIARITIES AND DIFFERENCES: Have my students record their answers as we answer them on the board. This is a time of practice for students after learning the main focus of the lesoon. Students will compare their answers to the correct one, identify the diffference and what caused it, and collaberate how to correct the answer. 

GENERATING AND TESTING HYPOTHESES:  When students get an answer wrong, before collaberating on how to change it, allow students to generate a hypothesis on why the student's answer might have been wrong. Asking the question, "Where did they go wrong?" Will give students time to analyze. 

En réponse à Stacey Eno

Re: Blue Zone

par Adam Ballien,

I like how you will have the students collaborate to find the right answer, this could allow them to think more critically and indepth of the concepts and of exactly what you want them to learn

En réponse à Stacey Eno

Re: Blue Zone

par Marie Zill,

I like that the kids are going to write their answers on the board because they can visually compare the answers.  Will you provide and formal feedback?