Blended Learning Readiness Survey & Reporting - Assignment

If you haven't completed the readiness survey in the "Considerations & Strategies" lesson, or did not take note of your results, or would like to do it again:

Look over these surveys and choose one to take:

Take note of where you fall in the spectrum of preparedness and understanding. 

You have now viewed a video about blended learning, taken an assessment and reviewed your results considering your own readiness for online learning, and then considered tips to be successful when online.  

Share your readiness findings and what this means for your own development.

In what way would this type of readiness survey benefit students?

To get started, click the "Add a new entry" button. Put your name for the "concept" so we can see who has contributed, add your thoughts in the "definition", scroll to the bottom then click save. (See graphic...)

You can come in and edit at anytime. That's the beauty of using a Glossary!

Once you have completed this activity, you will be ready to move on to the next: Choosing Web 2.0 Tools for Teaching & Learning - Assignment

Browse the glossary using this index

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Jack Pryde

My thoughts about blended learning is that I think it is the future of the classroom. And according to the Michigan survey I came up with 35. Which means distance learning is a good possibility for me. I am a relatively independent learner, seek out help when you need it, and are fairly comfortable with technology. However, I need to manage my time better.

Jacob Schmeltzer

My readiness for blended learning could be better. I have developed for myself a good concept of what it is, but how to use it effectively is another story.  The quiz I took showed me mildly prepared to take an online class, but teaching it will involve so much more than me being ready to take the class. I will have to use blended learning assessments to find out what and how students will work with online assignments. With so many learning styles, I as a teacher have to be prepared to work with all of them!

Jared Groeneveld

I took the MCC survey and the survey said that online learning would be OK for me. I am not much of a fan of online learning. I feel that there can and should be a component of online learning but I do not think that all learning should be online. Students still need face-to-face interactions with teachers and other students. While students can get some of this online, the actual physical presence of others is important. Online learning is becoming a large part of education and teachers need to learn how to stay ahead of the game in this aspect t continue to improve as educators.

Jocelyn Kirk

I think that it would put students in the mindset that the classroom can be mainly based online. High school students especially have gone through years of school in the classroom and may be against doing a lot of work online because they are used to the one-on-one contact with the teacher. However, giving them surveys like this will show them just how beneficial online-based classrooms can be.